Big Search

Monday, May 27, 2024

Why should I walk a covenant path?

Why should I walk a covenant path? Do I need to enter a house for making covenants? Why do I wear the holy garment?Should I invest in a covenant relationship with the Lord? The answer to these good and important questions is simple: it depends on what degree of relationship you want to experience with Jesus Christ. Each of us will have to discover our own response to those deeply personal questions.

Here is mine: I walk this path as a “beloved daughter of heavenly parents,” divinely known and deeply trusted. As a child of the covenant, I am eligible to receive promised blessings. I have chosen to walk with the Lord. I have been called to stand as a witness of Christ. When the path feels overwhelming, I am strengthened with enabling grace. Each time I cross the threshold of His house, I experience deeper covenant relationship with Him. I am sanctified with His Spirit, endowed with His power, and set apart to build His kingdom. Through a process of daily repentance and weekly partaking of the sacrament, I am learning to become steadfast and to go about doing good. I walk this path with Jesus Christ, looking forward to the promised day when He will come again. Then I will be sealed His and lifted up as a holy daughter of God.

This is why I walk the covenant path.

This is why I cling to covenant promises.

This is why I enter His covenant house.

This is why I wear the holy garment as a constant reminder.

Because I want to live in committed covenant relationship with Him.

October 2023
General Conference
Emily Belle Freeman

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