Big Search

Thursday, October 20, 2022

We must not only be tolerant, but we must cultivate a spirit of affirmative gratitude for those who do not see things quite as we see them

President Gordon B. Hinckley said: “We must not only be tolerant, but we must cultivate a spirit of affirmative gratitude for those who do not see things quite as we see them. We do not in any way have to compromise our theology, our convictions, our knowledge of eternal truth as it has been revealed by the God of Heaven. We can offer our own witness of the truth, quietly, sincerely, honestly, but never in a manner that will give offense to others. … We must learn to accord appreciation and respect for others who are as sincere in their beliefs and practices as are we” 

(“Out of Your Experience Here” [Brigham Young University devotional, Oct. 16, 1990], 6, Jesus: Being a Peacemaker

April 2022
General Conference
Neil L. Andersen

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