Big Search

Thursday, November 12, 2015

His Detours Lead to A Dead End

That evil one too has placed road signs to frustrate your progress and to lead you from the path of truth into detours of sin. His detours all lead to a dead end. Have you noticed his markers?
  • Just this once won’t matter.
  • It can’t hurt anyone but me.
  • My love is mine to give; my life is mine to live.
  • Times have changed.
BYU Speeches November 6 2005, Decisions Determine Destiny, Thomas S. Monson
A Prophets Voice - Messages From Thomas S. Monson p. 338

This reminds me of this quote:

What Does It All Lead to? Nowhere!

I told the Relief Society of secret underground drug parties that go by the name of Rave. Here with flashing lights and noisy music, if it can be called that, young men and women dance and sway. They sell and buy drugs. The drugs are called Ecstasy. They are a derivative of methamphetamine. The dancers suck on babies’ pacifiers because the drug makes them grind their teeth. The hot music and the sultry dancing go on until 7:30 of a Sunday morning. What does it all lead to? Nowhere. It is a dead end.

Author: Gordon B. Hinckley
Title: Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children
Where: Ensign, Nov 2000, 50–53

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