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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Replace Some Leisure Activities With Temple Service...Daytime Temple Attendance

“Encouraging Temple Worthiness and Preparation,” Ensign, June 2003, 76

The First Presidency sent the following letter, dated 11 March 2003, to priesthood leaders to be read in sacrament meeting:

We are grateful for the increased availability of temples worldwide and invite adult members to have a current temple recommend and visit the temple more often. Where time and circumstances permit, members are encouraged to replace some leisure activities with temple service.

“Millions of our ancestors have lived upon the earth without receiving the benefit of temple ordinances. We particularly encourage newer members and youth of the Church who are 12 years of age and older to live worthy to assist in this great work by serving as proxies for baptisms and confirmations.

“We request that local priesthood leaders encourage temple-worthy members to consider ways in which more frequent daytime temple attendance could occur. Home and visiting teachers may wish to arrange transportation for those who need it, particularly during the daytime.

Author: The First Presidency
Title: Encouraging Temple Worthiness and Preparation
Where: Ensign, June 2003, 76

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