Big Search

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Not Only Had I Enjoyed My One-Sided Conversation With Her--I Had Communed with God

I may have missed a meeting, but I harvested a memory.

Let’s hurry along to Redwood Road. There is a much larger home here where many widows reside. Most are seated in the well-lighted living room. But in her bedroom, alone, is one on whom I must call. She hasn’t spoken a word since a devastating stroke some years ago. But then, who knows what she hears?—so I speak of good times together. There isn’t a flicker of recognition, not a word spoken. In fact, an attendant asks if I am aware that this patient hasn’t uttered a word for years. It made no difference. Not only had I enjoyed my one-sided conversation with her—I had communed with God.

Thomas S. Monson, The Long Line of the Lonely, April 1981 General Conference
A Prophet's Voice--Messages from Thomas S. Monson p. 173

I like this because it reminds me of my frequent visits to Aunt Caroline Vincent.  She would not say much as time went on.  Yet I recall after one, one sided conversation with her she turned to me and said, "Thanks for coming."  Tender memories, really.

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