Big Search

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Lukewarm Membership and Don't Be the Weak Link

 address those participating members today who maybe are not being as faithful to their covenants as they should be. In both cases, generations ahead of them are impacted, and blessings and promises that were reserved for their posterities are at risk....

It is so sad when we come across inactive members or nonmembers of the Church who at one time had the gospel within their families and lost it because of their parents’ or grandparents’ decision to take a break from the Church. That decision could have an impact on their posterity forever!

Their children and grandchildren have been precluded from the protection and the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. Even more heartbreaking, they have lost the promises of an eternal family which were there one day. The decision of one has impacted a whole chain of descendants. A legacy of faith has been broken....

You and generations yet unborn will be blessed by your actions now to return to the covenant path....

today’s participating members who maybe are not being as faithful as they should be. Just as yesterday’s decisions impact today’s realities, decisions of today will impact our future and the future of our family members....

As we make current decisions, we should always be asking, ‘Where will this lead?’” Will our current decisions lead us to joy now and in eternity, or will they lead us to sorrow and tears?....

Some may think, “We don’t need to attend church every Sunday,” or “We will pay tithing when things get better,” or “I will not support the Church leaders in this subject.”

“But,” they say, “we know the Church is true, and we will never leave the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Those with thoughts like these do not realize the negative impact this “lukewarm” type of membership will have on their lives and on the lives of their posterity. The parents may remain active, but the risk of losing their children is high—in this life and in eternity.

Regarding those who will not inherit celestial glory with their families, the Lord says, “These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God.” Is that what we want for ourselves or our children? Shouldn’t we be more valiant and less lukewarm for our own sake and for the sake of our posterity?....

… The decision to ‘walk no more’ with Church members and the Lord’s chosen leaders will have a long-term impact that cannot always be seen right now.....

Don’t be the weak link in this beautiful chain of faith you started, or you received, as a legacy. Be the strong one. It is your turn to do it, and the Lord can help you.

October 2023
General Conference
Carlos A. Godoy

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