Big Search

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Most Powerful of Human Insticts 2nd Only to the Will to Live

And now just a word on the most common and most difficult of all problems for you young men and young women to handle. It is the relationship that you have one with another. You are dealing with the most powerful of human instincts. Only the will to live possibly exceeds it.

Author: President Gordon B. Hinckley
Title: “A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth”
Where: Ensign, Jan 2001, 2

Challenges Today Most Easily Handled

Of course you face challenges. Every generation that has ever walked the earth has faced challenges. We could spend the entire evening talking about them. But of all the challenges that have been faced in the past, the ones we have today, I believe, are most easily handled. I say that because they are manageable. They largely involve individual behavioral decisions, but those decisions can be made and followed. And when that happens, the challenge is behind us

Author: President Gordon B. Hinckley
Title: “A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth”
Where: Ensign, Jan 2001, 2

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Advesary Uses the Name of Our Savior

I once had an opportunity to accompany President Spencer W. Kimball to a distant land. We were given a tour of the various sites in the area, including underground catacombs—burial grounds for people who had been persecuted by Christian zealots. As we came up the dark, narrow stairs of that place, President Kimball taught me an unforgettable lesson. He pulled my coattail and said, “It has always troubled me what the adversary does using the name of our Savior.”

Author Elder Robert D. Hales
Title:“To Act for Ourselves: The Gift and Blessings of Agency”
Where: Ensign, May 2006, 4–8