Big Search

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Doctrine Policy and Cultural Tradtions

 When seeking truth, it helps to understand the difference between doctrine and policy. Doctrine refers to eternal truths, such as the nature of the Godhead, the plan of salvation, and Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Policy is the application of doctrine based on current circumstances. Policy helps us administer the Church in an orderly way.

While doctrine never changes, policy adjusts from time to time. The Lord works through His prophets to uphold His doctrine and to modify Church policies according to the needs of His children.

Unfortunately, we sometimes confuse policy with doctrine. If we do not understand the difference, we risk becoming disillusioned when policies change and may even begin to question God’s wisdom or the revelatory role of prophets....

Similarly, cultural traditions are not doctrine or policy. They can be useful if they help us follow doctrine and policy, but they can also impede our spiritual growth if they are not based on true principles. We should avoid traditions that do not build our faith in Jesus Christ or help us progress toward eternal life.

October 2023
General Conference
John C. Pingree Jr.

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