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Friday, February 8, 2013

If You Succumb, You Will Find Why “The Love Of Many Shall Wax Cold

I warn you that it will not be easy for you to focus your life on achieving your core values. Unfortunately, virtually the entire world around you will ridicule those values and a life based on them—perhaps not overtly, but implicitly in every medium that surrounds you. Some thousands of years ago, the prophet Isaiah looked forward to our times with this observation: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20).
There is ample evidence of the truth of his observations. In virtually every medium you will see and hear good called evil and evil good, light called dark and dark light. You will hear, for example, that fidelity is boring, that promiscuity is exciting. But if you succumb, you will find why “the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt. 24:12).

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We Would Not Accept the Yoke of Christ, So Now We Must Tremble At the Yoke of Caesar

In most of the world, we have been experiencing an extended and devastating economic recession. It was brought on by multiple causes, but one of the major causes was widespread dishonest and unethical conduct, particularly in the U.S. housing and financial markets. Reactions have focused on enacting more and stronger regulation. Perhaps that may dissuade some from unprincipled conduct, but others will simply get more creative in their circumvention. 3 There could never be enough rules so finely crafted as to anticipate and cover every situation, and even if there were, enforcement would be impossibly expensive and burdensome. This approach leads to diminished freedom for everyone. In the memorable phrase of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “We would not accept the yoke of Christ; so now we must tremble at the yoke of Caesar.” 4

October 2009, D. Todd Christofferson, Moral Discipline