Big Search

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Don't Inhale & Don't Take Yourself too darn seriously

 Shortly after my call as a new General Authority, I had the privilege to accompany President James E. Faust for a stake reorganization. As I drove the car to our assignment in beautiful Southern Utah, President Faust was kind enough to use the time to instruct and teach me. One lesson I will never forget. Said he, “The members of the Church are gracious to the General Authorities. They will treat you kindly and say nice things about you.” Then he briefly paused and said, “Dieter, always be thankful for this, but don’t you ever inhale it.”

This important lesson about Church service applies to every priesthood holder in every quorum of the Church. It applies to all of us in this Church.

When President J. Reuben Clark Jr. counseled those called to positions of authority in the Church, he would tell them not to forget rule number six.

Inevitably, the person would ask, “What is rule number six?”

“Don’t take yourself too darn seriously,” he would say.

Of course, this led to a follow-up question: “What are the other five rules?”

With a twinkle in his eye, President Clark would say, “There aren’t any.”6

To be effective Church leaders, we must learn this critical lesson: leadership in the Church is not so much about directing others as it is about our willingness to be directed by God.

The Greatest among You, April 2017 General Conference, Dieter F. Uctdorf

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