Big Search

Friday, November 23, 2012

Be In Advance [saying] 'Come Along,' And You Will Have No use For the Rod

You ought always to take the lead of your children in their minds and affections. Instead of being behind with the whip, always be in advance, then you can say, “Come along,” and you will have no use for the rod. They will delight to follow you, and will like your words and ways, because you are always comforting them and giving them pleasure and enjoyment. If they get a little naughty, stop them when they have gone far enough. … When they transgress, and transcend certain bounds we want them to stop. If you are in the lead they will stop, they cannot run over you; but if you are behind they will run away from you (DNSW, 8 Dec. 1868, 2–3).

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, (1997), 336–42

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