Big Search

Friday, September 2, 2022

Go Back to the Basics

 Go Back to the Basics

There have been times when I didn’t understand certain commandments. Moments when I had questions about polygamy, same-sex attraction, or other things.

But I learned a powerful lesson from the way God taught Adam and Eve.

We’re taught that “God gave unto them commandments, after having made known unto them the plan of redemption” (Alma 12:32, emphasis added).

It wouldn’t surprise me if Adam and Eve had plenty of questions about the commandments they were asked to follow. But before they could understand the commandments, they first had to learn about the plan of salvation.

How well do you understand the plan of salvation? When you have questions, do you go back to the basic principles of God’s plan? As I’ve searched for answers to my questions, studying the plan of salvation has helped me receive glimpses of God’s answers.

When I focus on the basic truths I know, I’m able to stand on a firm foundation. I don’t let trivial things shake my faith. I do not know everything, but I know enough.

April 2022
Megan Thomson Ramsey

Looking Beyond the Mark

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