Big Search

Saturday, July 24, 2021

The nearer we live to God, the closer we obey his laws and keep his commandments, the more power we will have

Our responsibilities before the Lord are great. We have no right to break any law that God has given unto us. The more we do so the less power we have before God, before heaven and before the earth, and the nearer we live to God, the closer we obey his laws and keep his commandments, the more power we will have, and the greater will be our desire for the building up of the kingdom of God while we dwell here in the flesh.

Journal of Discourses  Volume 21  Discourse 22, Duties and Responsibilities of the Priesthood and Saints Generally—Zion Shall not Be Overcome—The Wicked Shall Slay the Wicked—The End Near Wilford Woodruff

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