Big Search

Monday, March 22, 2010

Love of the Prophet, His Leadership, and A Roan Horse

I close by reading a simple yet profound letter that reflects our love for our prophet and his leadership:

“Dear President Monson,

“Five years ago, President Hinckley was sustained as prophet, seer and revelator. For me that was an extraordinary occasion which had to do with your calling for the sustaining vote of the Church.

“On that particular morning, I needed to haul hay for my livestock. I was enjoying conference on my truck radio. I had picked up the hay, backed into the barn and was throwing down hay bales from the back of the truck. When you called for the brethren of the priesthood, ‘wherever you are,’ to prepare to sustain the prophet, I wondered if you meant me. I wondered if the Lord would be offended because I was sweaty and covered with dust. But I took you at your word and climbed down from the truck.

“I shall never forget standing alone in the barn, hat in hand, with sweat running down my face, with arm to the square to sustain President Hinckley. Tears mixed with sweat as I sat for several minutes contemplating this sacred occasion.”

He continued:

“In our lives, we place ourselves at particular places when events of large consequence occur. That has happened to me, but none more spiritual or tender or memorable than that morning in the barn with only cows and a roan horse looking on.


“Clark Cederlof”

President Hinckley, we the priesthood brethren of the Church do love and sustain you.

Author:Thomas S. Monson
Title: The Call to Serve
Where: Ensign, Nov 2000, 47–49

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