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Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Ordered Milk

A member of the Church who is worthy of a temple recommend should always stand out in whatever professional circles he or she belongs. My advice to you is to dare to be different. Never worry about offending others by living up to the standards of the Church. I promise you that living up to temple recommend standards will bless and never hurt you in any situation in which you may find yourself. 

Let me offer a personal example. Again, my business career was as a retail executive. As such, I was required to attend trade association meetings, business clubs, chamber of commerce meetings, etc. They always started with a cocktail hour. I was always uncomfortable in the setting. Nearly everyone would be holding an alcoholic beverage in their hands as they mingled together. I asked myself, “What could I hold in my hand to represent my standards and the standards of the Church?” I realized that if I didn’t hold a glass in my hand someone would always be wanting to buy me a drink. 

At first I tried holding 7-Up, but it looked the same as other bubbly, alcoholic drinks. Finally, I decided to walk over to the bartender and request a glass of milk. I thought he might be hard of hearing because he made me repeat my order three times.  The final time was loud enough that everyone in the room could hear. 

After fumbling around for a few minutes the bartender finally handed me a glass of milk. You can imagine the ribbing I received as I mingled the rest of that evening, but I knew my standards, and I was undeterred. The next month, at the same meeting, I ordered my milk. From then on, the bartender always had a glass of milk for me. 

Then a funny thing started to happen. At future meetings more people started ordering milk and drinking it with me. They confided in me that their wives did not like them drinking because it might impair them as they drove home. Instead of feeling awkward during cocktail hour, I soon became the center of conversation. It helped me meet more people and fulfill the purposes for which I attended those gatherings.

I learned an important lesson from this experience. If I kept my promises to the Lord, He would always keep His promises to me. He would always fulfill his end of the bargain—and much, much more—if I fulfilled mine.

Brigham Young University-Idaho Devotional, January 24, 2012,"The Church: Scaffolding for Our Lives"L. Tom Perry

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

That Ladder, No Matter How Lofty It May Appear On This Earth, Barely Amounts To A Single Step In The Great Eternal Journey

Another regret people expressed was that they failed to become the person they felt they could and should have been. When they looked back on their lives, they realized that they never lived up to their potential, that too many songs remained unsung.
I am not speaking here of climbing the ladder of success in our various professions. That ladder, no matter how lofty it may appear on this earth, barely amounts to a single step in the great eternal journey awaiting us.
Rather, I am speaking of becoming the person God, our Heavenly Father, intended us to be....How do we do this? By following the example of the Savior, by incorporating His teachings in our daily lives, by truly loving God and our fellowman.
We certainly cannot do this with a dragging-our-feet, staring-at-our-watch, complaining-as-we-go approach to discipleship.

How Much Wealth Did He Leave?....All of It

Years ago, I was asked to perform an operation upon a very wealthy man. A surgical biopsy confirmed that he had an advanced cancer that had spread throughout his body. As I reported this news, his immediate response was to rely upon his wealth. He would go anywhere or do anything to treat his condition. He thought he could buy his way back to health. But he soon passed away. Someone asked, “How much wealth did he leave?” The answer, of course, was, “All of it!”

 April 2005 Now Is The Time To Prepare  Russell M. Nelson

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Close Your Eyes and Let Them Eat

Open your homes to the friends of your children. If you find they have big appetites, close your eyes and let them eat. Make your children’s friends your friend

 October 1998 "To The Boys And To The Men"  Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, May 13, 2013

We Can Choose Not to Become Angry

Understanding the connection between agency and anger is the first step in eliminating it from our lives. We can choose not to become angry. And we can make that choice today, right now: “I will never become angry again.” Ponder this resolution.

 April 1998 "Agency And Anger"  Lynn G. Robbins

What Would Jesus Do?

We are at a time in the history of the world and the growth of the Church when we must think more of holy things and act more like the Savior would expect his disciples to act. We should at every opportunity ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” and then act more courageously upon the answer. 

 October 1994 "Follow The Son Of God"  Howard W. Hunter

Thursday, May 9, 2013

When People Sift Through Our Possessions After We Have Died, Will They Find Evidence That We Have Kept Our Covenants?

When people sift through our possessions after we have died, will they find evidence that we have kept our covenants?

October 2011 - "Cleave unto the Covenants" Barbara Thompson

True Ministry Is Measured More By The Depth Of Our Charity Than By The Perfection Of Our Statistics.

I hope my granddaughters will understand that visiting teaching is an expression of their discipleship and a significant way to honor their covenants....True ministry is measured more by the depth of our charity than by the perfection of our statistics.
October 2011 - "What I Hope My Granddaughters (and Grandsons) Will Understand about Relief Society" Julie B. Beck

Our Circumstances Have the Potential to Bleach the Bones of Faith

Every day, Relief Society sisters around the world experience the entire range of mortal challenges and experiences. Women and their families today live face to face with unrealized expectations; mental, physical, and spiritual illness; accidents; and death. Some sisters suffer loneliness and disappointment because they do not have families of their own, and others suffer from the consequences of poor choices made by family members. Some have experienced war or hunger or natural disasters, and others are learning about the strain of addictions, unemployment, or insufficient education and training. All of these difficulties have the potential to bleach the bones of faith and exhaust the strength of individuals and families. One of the Lord’s purposes in organizing the sisters into a discipleship was to provide relief that would lift them above “all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.”16 In every ward and branch, there is a Relief Society with sisters who can seek and receive revelation and counsel with priesthood leaders to strengthen each other and work on solutions that are applicable in their own homes and communities.
October 2011 - "What I Hope My Granddaughters (and Grandsons) Will Understand about Relief Society" Julie B. Beck

He Is Personal and Real

I bear my testimony to you that this work is true, that our Savior lives, and that He guides and directs His Church here upon the earth. I leave with you my witness and my testimony that God our Eternal Father lives and loves us. He is indeed our Father, and He is personal and real. May we realize and understand how close to us He is willing to come, how far He is willing to go to help us, how much He loves us, and how much He does and is willing to do for us.

 October 2011 General Conference -  Until We Meet Again  Thomas S. Monson

There Is No Chance, No Fate, No Destiny That Can Circumvent Or Hinder Or Control The Firm Resolve Of A Determined Soul.

Memorize [this] statement to resist mortal challenges: “There is no chance, no fate, no destiny that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.”26

 October 2011 General Conference -  "The Songs They Could Not Sing"  Quentin L. Cook

It Is As Tragic To Think We Are Too Sinful To Pray As It Is For A Very Sick Person To Believe He Is Too Sick To Go To The Doctor!

There is a risk that a person may not feel good enough to pray. This idea comes from that evil spirit who is the one who teaches us not to pray (see 2 Nephi 32:8). It is as tragic to think we are too sinful to pray as it is for a very sick person to believe he is too sick to go to the doctor!

 October 2011 General Conference -  "The Privilege Of Prayer"  J. Devn Cornish

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How the Abrahamic Covenant Works

Some of us are the literal seed of Abraham; others are gathered into his family by adoption. The Lord makes no distinction.21 Together we receive these promised blessings—if we seek the Lord and obey His commandments.22 But if we don’t, we lose the blessings of the covenant.23

 October 2011 General Conference -  "Covenants"  Russell M. Nelson

The Spirit Cannot Be Present At The Kinds Of Activities In Which So Much Of The World Participates.

It may appear to you at times that those out in the world are having much more fun than you are. Some of you may feel restricted by the code of conduct to which we in the Church adhere. My brothers and sisters, I declare to you, however, that there is nothing which can bring more joy into our lives or more peace to our souls than the Spirit which can come to us as we follow the Savior and keep the commandments. That Spirit cannot be present at the kinds of activities in which so much of the world participates.

 October 2011 General Conference -  Stand In Holy Places  Thomas S. Monson

Be Present In Your Daughter's Life...Interview Her

You are your daughter’s guardian in more than the legal sense. Be present in your daughter’s life. Let her know your standards, your expectations, your hopes and dreams for her success and happiness. Interview her, get to know her friends and, when the time comes, her boyfriends. Help her understand the importance of education. Help her understand that the principle of modesty is a protection....You will bless the life of your daughter for years to come if you will look for ways to spend time with her and to share your testimony with her. 

 October 2011 General Conference -  Love Her Mother  Elaine S. Dalton

The Most Important Thing A Father Can Do For His [Daughter] Is To Love [Her] Mother.

"The most important thing a father can do for his [daughter] is to love [her] mother.”1 By the way you love her mother, you will teach your daughter about tenderness, loyalty, respect, compassion, and devotion. She will learn from your example what to expect from young men and what qualities to seek in a future spouse. You can show your daughter by the way you love and honor your wife that she should never settle for less. Your example will teach your daughter to value womanhood. You are showing her that she is a daughter of our Heavenly Father, who loves her.

 October 2011 General Conference -  Love Her Mother  Elaine S. Dalton